3 Ways to Improve Your Gut Health

Due to the strong connections between our gut and our brain, prioritising gut health everyday
can promote a state of calm and wellbeing, something we all deserve more of in this busy world.
Here Nutritional Therapist Pippa Groves suggests 3 simple ways we can encourage good gut health in the long-term:
1. Enjoy a wide variety of seasonal vegetables such as dark green leafy greens and
colourful root vegetables. These are amazing sources of fibre and polyphenols to nourish our digestive tract, as well as Vitamin A, C, B vitamins, iron, calcium, and magnesium which all contribute to a restful state.
2. Count your colours! When assembling a dish, always ask yourself, “is there more colour and diversity I can easily add to this?” With this approach you will start to boost your plate with more plant foods such as colourful spices, seeds, fresh herbs and different vegetables and fruit - all foods that our gut bacteria love! Remember you are also eating for them, not just yourself.
3. Limit ultra-processed foods. If a packaged food contains a whole load of ingredients you don’t understand or can’t even pronounce, then this is best to avoid. If you don’t recognise them, then your body certainly won’t! They disrupt your gut health and push you into a state of inflammation. Instead, cook from scratch where you can or choose healthy alternatives with fewer artificial ingredients and more whole foods.
Need cooking inspiration? Check out Pippa's nutritious and yummy recipes.