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Pumpkins: don't just carve them, eat them!

Pumpkins: don't just carve them, eat them!

It can be very habitual to throw away our used pumpkins with the understanding that they’ve served their primary ‘spooky’ purpose, but this absolutely doesn’t have to be the case!

Not only is the colour vibrant and energising, but pumpkins are packed with some amazing health-promoting nutrients that support our immune system, gut health, blood sugar levels, skin and eye health to name a few.

Here are our Nutritional Therapist Pippa Grove's top tips and recipes to make the most of your whole pumpkins (even the stringy fibres inside) this Autumn:

Tip 1: Recycle your carved pumpkin lantern by chopping it into cubes and soaking these in a large bowl of 2 tsp bicarbonate of soda dissolved in water. This will clean any soot or chemicals that may have accumulated over Halloween. Then simply roast or blend it into your favourite recipe!

Tip 2: Keep the pumpkin guts to make a pumpkin puree that can be used in baked good, pancakes or even as a porridge topping

Tip 3: Wash and dry the seeds then you can toast these in a variety of spices for a crunchy topping to any meal.

Healthy & Delicious Pumpkin Recipes

There are many savoury and sweet ways to use pumpkin and reap it's nutritional benefits. Below are some of our fave recipes:

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