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RUN BRAVE Challenge

RUN BRAVE Challenge

RUN BRAVE - our first ever Runners Challenge

RUN BRAVE is more than a Pilates programme; it’s a call to action to not just move on the mat, but to get moving with confidence off the mat too. 

By integrating breath, control, concentration and precision, Pilates brings your attention to your body, teaching you how to move and ensuring all your muscles are working efficiently and effectively. In this way, it helps all of us move with more ease and confidence.

For runners, Pilates can be a total game-changer by not just improving strength, speed, technique and endurance but by also helping to prevent common running injuries caused by the high impact and repetitive nature of running.

But it doesn’t matter if you’re an experienced runner, new to running or you absolutely hate running, through this challenge, we hope to inspire you to get up, get outside and get moving! 

Your finish line is yours to define.


RUN BRAVE Challenge combines Pilates and Yoga to build strength, increase your mobility, improve your alignment and correct muscle imbalances.

The workouts ranging from 10-50 minutes will compliment your running and optimise your results. To support your running, there’s also a Pilates-based runner’s warm up and cool down.

We know that everyone’s on their own running journey and has their own goals and plans but we’d love to encourage everyone to run on Fridays. Every Friday morning, Milly will host a LIVE pre-run stretch. Whether you join live or you tune in later, we’d love you to then get outside and tag us on your runs!


Everyone, regardless of age, fitness level, or running experience!

New to running? This challenge will help evolve your running ability, help you run with confidence & motivate you!

Training for a marathon? This challenge will elevate your training plan, improve your running performance and reduce risk of injury!

A casual jogger? This challenge will make your running more enjoyable by enhancing recovery, alleviating any niggles, shielding you against injury and improving your form. 

Not a runner? Your finish line is yours to define! Whether walking, jogging or running, we hope to inspire you to get outside and get moving.


Pilates Equipment: Magic Circle, Small Ball, Hand Weights, Ankle Weights, Discs, Swiss Ball, Resistance Bands

And of course, trainers to run, walk or jog!


It’s available now to all LIVE BRAVE members! Sign up today to start your free 14-day trial.


We've created a FREE running guide to support you to run better! You’ll receive nine expertly crafted running sessions and four Pilates workouts tailored specifically for runners, alongside essential information on combating common running injuries. There’s also two special offers waiting for you inside too! Download now.

Have a question about the challenge? Get in touch with us at

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