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5 Styling Hacks To Make You Feel Your Best From Lou’s Stylist 

5 Styling Hacks To Make You Feel Your Best From Lou’s Stylist 

Lauren first styled Lou about one year after she had given birth to her first daughter, Gigi. They were neighbours at the time and had become close friends. “It was one of the best things I did,” claims Lou. “She found me staple pieces that I could wear and wear (I still have and wear them all!) and made me feel like me again and feel good about my body!”

Since then, they’ve both been growing their businesses; each committed to helping make women feel confident and good in themselves. Just like Pilates, clothes have the power to change how you feel about yourself and a good fit or flattering piece can instantly lift your mood and boost your confidence. 

Here Lauren shares with us some simple rules that’ll make any outfit look effortless, often with minimal effort involved.

How did you get into personal shopping and styling?

I started out in Topshop 12 years ago, Personal Shopping in their flagship store on Oxford Street, London. Then I went to 4 other large retailers and platforms within Personal Shopping before going freelance 4 years ago. I work with the most amazing clients helping to take their stress of shopping and styling away. At the core of my job is ensuring everyone I work with feels the best version of themself. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. 

What are your top tips for styling? 

#1. Turn up your sleeve: it makes it look far less rigid and elongates the arms

#2. The sandwich effect: This is an easy rule to lean on where you tonally tie in a top, trouser, skirt or jacket with the same colour as your shoes or bag 

#3. Be savvy with necklines and collars: a round neck or collar will soften features so lean in to more angular clothing if you want a sharper look

#4. Tailoring is 100% worth the investment: specifically tidying up your trousers to be the right length makes all the difference e.g jeans/jeans that sit just above the ankle or skimming the floor makes your legs appear longer. 

#5. Invest in a long, slightly oversized coat: Try to find one that roughly hits your mid to lower calf. It’s perfect for day to fit chunkier knitwear underneath and also night for longer dresses and trousers. 

Follow Lauren on Instagram @theshopper_x

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